Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Remembering Steve's Dad

Steve and I were able to have quality time to reminisce about Ted, first we went to get some coffee. At the coffee shop I noticed a man who looked a lot like Ted, with big glasses and looking at some papers, his white hair hanging a little bit in his face… and then I saw another man who reminded me of him, sitting at a table looking at a book, relaxed. We then went to get lunch, a hamburger, in memory of Ted. It was a place neither of us had been to, but I read some good reviews about. Ted would have liked it. The onion rings were big and crispy, the burger was simple yet very tasty. Then Steve and I took a stroll around Balboa, a residential area with views of the water. Steve told me how Ted was such a hard worker with Shell, and then how he truly enjoyed retirement. We also talked about when we lived with Ted part of the time while Marilyn was doing the coast walk. Lots of other memories too. The afternoon was nice and leisurely. Ted would have loved everything about our time together, I know it. Reflecting upon him, it made me again want to slow down and appreciate the seemingly simple pleasures of life. Happy birthday, Ted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So blessed to be my father's son and to have a loving wife who connected with him!