Sunday, August 3, 2014

Trip to Vancouver, Part 3

On our first full day in Vancouver, we woke up, mapped out our destinations, and headed to the Capilano Suspension Bridge Park. This park has a variety of bridges, the main bridge suspends above Capilano River, more than 200 feet above it. It was built in 1889 and it swings like crazy. The photos don't do it justice. The kids were pretty fearless across it, especially Sam. Steve and I were white-knuckling it.  You have no choice, you have to go across this main bridge in order to enjoy Treetops Adventure, which are walkways attached from tree to tree, and Cliffwalk. For the Cliffwalk bridges, you can see the hardware bolted to the rock, not much of an assurance as to how sturdy it is, as you walk along the skinny metal path. It all adds to the thrill of the attractions.  I recommend Capilano Suspension Bridge Park for the whole family!

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